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Before departure: Embodiments of Migracy duration: 1 performance (15 mins duration) Always available to be presented in the beginning of each creative process during the 2nd stage.

Space: Conference rooms-site specific.

Budget may contemplate: Transport, hosting, artist fee. 1st stage: CHOREOGRAPHIC INTERVENTION OF MIGRATION MUSEUMS duration: 10 hours lab-creation, 2 hours performance

Space: The migration museum

Budget may contemplate: space, publicity, refreshments for participants provided by the museum.

Transport, living and work of Coordinator NASA.

Participation fee for each artist. 2nd stage: nosotros aquí siempre allí (we here always there) duration: 16 hours workshop, indefinite time for performance.

space: the museum, the archive or other venue convined with the institution and the community.

Budget may contemplate:space, publicity, refreshments for participants provided by the museum.

Transport, living and work of Coordinator NASA.

Each performance will have a different budget according to the size, duration and characteristics.

3dr stage: The nasa virtual space-ship duration: 2 years.

space: the cyberspace, coordinated by a website and archive expert and NASA coordinator.

payment: 2500 E. This budget can be renewable after 2 years.

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