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1998 Graduated from  “Aleman Santa Maria” College- BOLIVIA.

1999-2002 Acting School “Hecho a Mano” BO.

2000- 2004 Graduation in Contemporary Dance. Institute "Eduardo Laredo” VIDANZA-BO.

2004-2008 BA in Dramatic Arts. National Theatre School Bolivian Catholic Santa Cruz-BO.

2009 Bachelor in Social Communication Sciences. UCB Cochabamba-BO.

2015 -2017  Master in Dance Knowledge, Practice, and Heritage from Choreomundus- NO, FR, HU, UK

2022 Master in Multimedia for the Performing Arts - ES

  • Performer of Migro-Embodiments in Encuentro Latinoamericano de PErfromance Art Berlin- GE

  • Resident artist in Arrelant Dansa, l’Institut Valèncià de Cultura (fons Next Generation) - ES

  • Resident artist  in LA SELVA International Ecological arts and eco-somatic residency in Ostia antica- IT 

  • Performer in AMOR, final piece for the Master in Multimedia for the Performing arts - ES

  • Creation of video-dance "Temperatures of white" with visual artist Catalina Rincón -BE

  • ICTMD Liaison Officer for Bolivia.

  • Creation and performance of "Racine ailée"( Roots and wings) to close the summit of Urban Agriculture in Academia du Climant - FR

  • Dancer in the videodance  "Rose of winds" by Daniel Oros- FI

  • Performer in "Things we don't ask" opening Festival Danzénica - BO

  • Choreograph of "Zaguán" in collaboration with Alizon Lazo - BO

  • Supervisor for undergraduate transdisciplinar research in Dramatic Arts - National Theater School - BO

  • Xorca, solo dance based in Lorca´s Yerma, Escuela de Ruzafa -ES

  • Peringundismos -Duo performance with Domenico Giustino- Ruzafart - ES

  • AMOR Interactive performance at Theatre el Musical-  ES 


  • Performer in Sound Painting Collective- ES

  • Visual identity and community management of Multílogos -

  • Dancer in "Donna Quijote" RUSKA ensamble -FI //canceled//

  • Dancer in "Humanidades" by Estefania Biffani - ES

  • Creates coaching service "Consultoría de prácticas corporales" - online

  • Content manager of  Multílogos -

  • Tour Confesiones de la Magdalena in Sucre and Santa Cruz and El/La/Lo Informe Santa Cruz- BO

  • Performance "Mujer Permitida" in collaboration with visual artist Alejandra Dorado- BO

  • Resident Artist at Teatro de los Andes for research process - BO

  • Dancer in the Videodance ¨Little Body" by Ingrid Vanderhoever- BO/BE

  • Performer in "Flock Flock Flock" de Susanne Bentley  - BE

  • Co-creator and chaman-performer in "Ritual Detox" Cíe. Achtli y Les Loops - BE

  • Vice-chair of Choreomundus Alumni Association

  • Facilitator of workshop "Internal Movements, to move in complex times" - BO

  • Facilitator of  movement practice workshop Tinkuy- BE

  • Dancer for the opening of FURORE fashion, performance de Gilles Pollet - BE

  • Choreographer for the children theatre piece "Les quatre pouvoirs" by Vuela Collective- BE

  • Performer and participant at the international residency - creation "Comuncanto" by Simurgh Teatro - IT

  • Facilitator of  the dance workshop "Preguntar con el Cuerpo" (The body questions) - BO & ES

  • Co-creator of "BROSSELLA when art meets science" École Mondial - BE //project in progress//

  • Creator and performer in "Lo Informe" (The shapeless) - BO

  • Resident artist invited by Centro de la Cultura Plurinacional for the mise en scene de Lo Informe- BO

  • Dancer in Homo Laborans, video-dance documentary directed by Clotilde Amprimoz, ChoreActive- FR

  • Communications and Sustainability manager, Choreomundus , Université Clermont Auvergne -FR

  • Choreographer and dancer of "Manuel pour une rèvolte" (Handbook for a revolution) -FR

  • Creator and performer of "Embodiments of Migracy", a danced conference -EU

  • Performer for the opening of the exhibition  "Hopes and Expectations", in the 25th Anniversary of Aaksdal Cultural House -NO


  • Dancer in "Taqui Unquy" multidisciplany performance with Ricardo Depine and Diego Funck - BE

  • Dance expert in safeguarding project “A future for the Bolivian dance and music in Belgium ” with Kantuta Folkloric Center - BE

  • Performer and participante in the international residency "Encontro a Guardiagr...aaal!- Teatro Simurgh -IT

  • Organizer and teacher in the Dance Lab. with blind artist Sristi K.C. and Urvi Vora for research the relationship between dance and music transmission/imagination/creation with blind people. London -UK.

  • Creator of Warrior Body/Open Heart dance piece with the members of Danuri- Cheongsong- SK.

  • Resident artist for the Namoodak Environmental Theatre festival- SK

  • Dancer and Creator of the dance piece “Le Chant du poisons” (The Fish songs) and the solo “Swimming I came here” Both pieces about the migration issues and the relationship of human beings with water - FR.

  • Teacher of Contemporary Dance Laboratory in Clermont Ferrand -FR. 

  • Teacher of “Dances of the world”- University Blaise Pascale- FR.

  • Teacher of Laboratoire de Danse Contemporaine in Clermont-Ferrand FR.

  • Writer and director of the Theater monologue  “De damas y Cerdos” : Ester is a sophisticated lady, who for diverse reasons, ended married to a pig. She had a long story with him, until the day when she started to see lights and ear voices, songs that saved her. Teatrografía- BO.

  • Actress in “Confessions of Magdalena” Theatre-Dance pice directed in collaboration with Gonzalo Callejas, Daniel Larrazabal, Ubaldo Nallar, Jose Ballivian and Saul Alí in Bolivia.

  • Dancer in AIDA of Giussepe Verdi Opera Royal de Liege- BE.

  • Creator of TUKUY (all of us) choreography for the anniversary of the Pluricultural Republic of Bolivia .BE.

  • Director of “Corazones de Oro” (golden Hearts), theater piece with Spanish migrants of 70-80 years old. Teacher of the art class during 12 months with the same group, “las niñas de los martes”- BE.

  • Resident artist for the Namoodak Environmental Theatre festival- SK

  • Actress in “Le chant des hommes” film by Marie Jimenez et Benedicte Liennard (tournage may-june), LUX.

  • Choreographer of PACHA piece of contemporary dance for mother earth, with the dance school 3Fases and ARTerias Urbanas- BO.

  • Resident choreographer for the research and creation of PACHA.

  • Dancer and creator of “Situa” solo co-directed by Carolina Mantovano : SITUA means in spanish ‘To put someone or something in an specific place’, it is also a feast of purification during fullmoon, to start the new agricultural year. - BE

  • Residen artist in Berkeendal Cultural Studio for the creation of Situa.

  • Performer in “Red Nigth District” premiered in Nuit Blanche :Dancing, singing and talking to one to one solo in a private room, asking to each person: Waht do you WISH/SPECT to see?- BE.

  • Sound Painting- Mattes Collective performance “Small is Strong” : In the same way as an orchestra, professional musicians and performers follow the directions of the master, to create a unique instant composition piece– BE.

  • Certified Instructor of XtendBarre, a movement technique combining Ballet and Pilates. BE

  • Collaborator of  Constellations- Contemporary Dance Workshop for students of Colorado College, with Domenico Giustino, based in composition principles like encounter, trajectory, contact and reaction- USA.

  • Creator and performer “Relic” in the Museums Fever Night- Jewish museum: A piece inspired in Eisenstain edition mode: a dancer, a space, a lamp, and the sound of breathing. -BE.

  • Creator and Dancer in “Antes de Partir” Solo. Tour in Bolivia. Creation residencies at: Scene Bruxelles, PARTS summer studios, WorkSpace Brussels- BE 

  • Workshops given in Bolivia:

    • “Cuerpos Migrantes” for Dancers, about moving, traveling in the space, displacement, group conection.

    •  “Tinkuy” Open to people form the comunity , basics about presence, proyection, center, relatino with the others and the space.

    • “Puntos de partida” for Choreographers, about the conception fo a theory of the body, in oder to create a sylabus of movemnts, gestures and interactions.

    • “Empty Spaces” instant composition techniques with Domenico Giustino. BO.

  • Dancer in “Continuous Field” by Lans Gries- BE.


  • Festival-  Video Dance Performing the Pandemics, with "Litle Body" co-creation with Ingrid Vanderbooren

  • Open air Festival Park Poetik "Flock Flock Flock" de Susanne Bentley .

  • Presenter of "Tracing new decolonial dialogues in Latin America, with Multílogos- ICTM year online conference.

  • Presenter in  Territory of ideas: “La calle en nosotros”- Centro de la Cultura Plurinacional - BO 

  • Presenter of the the performance/conference "Embodiments of Migracy" in the international conferece "Perfromance and Culture: Cities, embodiment, technologies" Hosted by the University of Malta.

  •  Presenter of the the performance/conference "Embodiments of Migracy" during the 27th International AEMI conference, "At home or alienated", Hussum. DE.

  • Dancer/performer in “Composite” by Tetsuya Umeda- kunstenfestivaldesarts. Brussels.BE.

  • Presenter at Contemporary Approaches in Dance Anthropology conference at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. Topic: Creation of/vs/and Tradition, study case in South Korea. HU.

  •  Namoodak Festival – “The song of the sea”  teacher, choreographer and researcher.SK.

  • Presenter at Conference in Aubergne University, Dept. of Sciences de l’homme.  Comprendre l’altérité et combattre la violence par la danse – études de cas islamiques et autres. Topic: Tinku and the homeophatics of violence in Bolivian Andes. FR.

  • Presenter at "Conference autour de la culture INCA"

    • Topic: Danses pre-incaiques, Survivance et créativité- Clermont Ferrand. FR.

  • Performer in "Batucada" by Marcelo Evelyn- kunstenfestivaldesarts - Bruselas - BE

  • Namoodak Environmental Theater Festival – “ Memory of water” teacher, choreographer and performer.

  • Co-choreographer of "Pacha" at the VII Ferstival Internacional de Danza Contemporanea "Simon I.Patiño" - BO

  • Blue On the Face- Sint Niklas. “Little Woman” performance.BE 

  • VI International Festival of Contemporary Dance “Simón I. Patiño”- with "Antes de partir" -BO. 

  • 2011 awarded DANCEWEB Scholarship in ImpulsThanz, Vienna, representing Bolivia. AU.

  • 2010 “Ultima Ilusión” is Winner in the I contest of Short Movies into the European Film Festival, BO.

  • 2009 scholarship to Forum Internacional Prisma- Oaxaca and DF. Presenter of “Tinkuy: physical research work based in the ritual of Tinku”- MX.

    • Tinkuy is a ritual figth originary from Bolivia and Peru. My research is based in: relationship with gravity=earth, change of directions, breathing, consciousness in scenic encounter with others.

  • 2009 Awarded artist to participate at the Cultural Exchange between Bolivia Greenland - GR and DN.

  • 2008 Winner of contest “Water: Conflicts and Encounters” with the piece HHO! -BO

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